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Introduction to Orthodontic Biomechanics - Clinical Applications (Module 2)
Welcome to Introduction to Orthodontic Biomechanics – Clinical Applications (Module 2)
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Course Introduction
Course Outline
Module 2 Outline
1. Periodontal Role in Orthodontic Treatment
Introduction: Periodontal Role (1:30)
Periodontal Role in Orthodontic Treatment Objectives
Role of the Periodontal Ligament, Part 1
Role of the Periodontal Ligament, Part 2
Role of the Periodontal Ligament Presentation, Part 1 (8:51)
Role of the Periodontal Ligament Presentation, Part 2 (21:50)
Role of Physical Forces in Regulating the Form and Function of the Periodontal Ligament (McCulloch Article)
Periodontal Quiz
Periodontal Quiz Review
2. Force Systems
Force Systems Objectives
Physics in Orthodontics: Basic Mechanics Applied to Orthodontics
Force Systems Presentation (13:22)
Cartesian Coordinates (2:41)
Resultant Force Systems (8:37)
Equivalent Force Systems (2:41)
Center of Rotation (5:44)
Translation of Center of Rotation (3:03)
Center of Rotation Calculation (2:26)
Biomechanics Quiz
Biomechanics Quiz Review
Webinar 1: Basis of Biomechanics (1:28)
2. Force Systems Exercises
Exercises 1-5
Exercises 1-5 Review
Exercises 6-12
Exercises 6-12 Review
Webinar 2: Exercises Review (1:48)
3. Optimum Static Occlusion
Introduction: Optimum Static Occlusion (1:40)
Optimum Static Occlusion Objectives
Optimum Static Occlusion Presentation (20:54)
The Six Keys to Normal Occlusion (Andrews article)
Static Occlusion Quiz
Static Occlusion Quiz Review
4. Brackets and Wires
Brackets and Wires Objectives
Orthodontic Brackets, Part 1 (10:43)
Orthodontic Brackets, Part 2 (30:26)
Orthodontic Brackets, Part 3 (7:22)
Orthodontic Brackets, Part 4 (13:15)
Orthodontic Bracketing (10:10)
Straight Wire System (19:10)
Bracketing Introduction (7:18)
Central Incisors Bracketing (1:37)
Canine Bracketing (3:49)
Premolar Bracketing (3:40)
Bracketing the First Molar (5:18)
Second Molar Buccal (2:56)
Straight Wire Alignment (4:10)
Tipping and Root Torque (5:18)
Brackets and Wires Quiz
Brackets and Wires Quiz Review
Webinar 3: Straight Wire System and its Use in Moderate Malocclusions (1:31)
Webinar 4: Orthodontic Archwires (1:46)
Webinar 5: Bracketing Technique (1:35)
5. Exam
Exam Review
6. Course Assessment
Course Assessment
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